Captain.on.track 2.0

celebrate, version 2.0, captainontrack, screenwriting, blogging, blogIt’s here! Version 2.0! It may seem a bit early to be coming out with my new version, but as a writer, I am never opposed to revising.

And just like I am a beginner at screenwriter, I am actually a beginner at blogging. So this is a learn as you go project, and I decided it was time to make some changes.

The first change is to my address. My new domain is

This will still be my journey to the red carpet, but I am going to take you along with me. I want you to finish your screenplay and to invite us all to your premiere party or your first screening or your debut film festival showing.

I will continue to take you with me as I navigate this process, but I am also going to bring in other people’s stories. If there is one thing I have learned so far, it is that there is no “right” way to make a movie, there is not just “one” way. So I want to share as many ways as possible.

In the future, in addition to my posts, look for interviews and links to helpful information. I am so excited about this new direction! And I look forward to everyone’s input.


Don’t Just Trust Your Instincts – Act on Them

writing, Captain and the Greyhound, Starbucks, screenplay, writing processI got some semi-professional feedback on my screenplay (in other words, not from a family member). I am working with a gentleman who showed it to a group of investors. They like it! They really really like it! Yay!

This is especially good as I jump head first into this new world of screenwriting because I periodically experience glimpses of concern that I have no idea what I am doing and have no ability to self-evaluate my writing. But luckily, they are only brief glimpses. I do not allow myself any more than a glimpse. Continue reading “Don’t Just Trust Your Instincts – Act on Them”

My Attempt to Respond to “Fear”

fear, roller coaster, scared, emotional roller coasterI am sitting at Starbucks, fearful that I have not been productive enough last week. So I am using the day to alleviate that fear and to write. When I come here, my routine is always the same, even though I need to change it. I log on to the wifi, check MSN for headlines in case anything momentous happened over night, check email, and check Facebook. The last check is the one I need to discontinue, except for today!

The first post came from a friend, an actual friend, not a virtual friend: Kelly Raymer. And it was a link to his latest blog post, I am guessing, sitting in a coffee shop on the other side of town. I was going to comment on it, but I had too much to say. Here is his post: Fear.

Continue reading “My Attempt to Respond to “Fear””

How Not Knowing Twitter Makes You a Rookie. I am a Rookie.


twitter, social media, captain and the greyhounds, first tweet
My first Tweet. Notice the two likes. One is from me and the other is from my only follower – my daughter!

I am a late adopter. There. I admitted it, as embarrassing as that is sometimes. For example, I only bought a smartphone because Verizon no longer sold phones without data plans. Otherwise, I just might still be using a QWERTY keyboard. Or worse yet, one of those keyboards where you have to hit the numbers keys one, two, or three times for each letter. And even now, I am carrying around an iPhone 4. I am shopping for a 6 right now though, only because I really need a better camera on my phone.

Continue reading “How Not Knowing Twitter Makes You a Rookie. I am a Rookie.”