How to Tap into Your Genius

writers genius

I spent an amazing weekend with this group! The goal? To get in touch with the genius that we all have and to use that genius for good (actually, we are all writers, so the real goal was to use that genius to write something considered, well…genius!).

The power of community is something I did not understand until much later in life. I’m not sure why. I have always been somewhat of a loner. Not necessarily socially. I love being out among people. In fact, I am at Starbucks right now simply because I like being around people. But when it comes to work, I have always been more of a “do it myself” kind of girl. And I’ve always been proud of that too. I now cringe at the thought of how many times I have bragged about not needing anyone. Not ever asking for help. Being able to figure things out myself. Installing ceiling fans and toilets – all by myself. You know the type, I am sure. We re all over the place, usually struggling and overwhelmed!

Continue reading “How to Tap into Your Genius”

Dealing with a Dog’s Death

cat, death of cat
Sockie, whom I held in my arms when she left this world. Miss her terribly.

Many of you may have already seen this. It touches a chord so deep that news outlets have been covering it, and blogs have been sharing it. A man writes a goodbye letter from his dog. For those of us who have had to put pets to sleep, we know how heart wrenching it is. And if you are up for a good cry, read about the heartbreak from the dog’s perspective.

“Yesterday was weird…”

Doing Dreams the Right Way

Emily, selfie
See. This is what she does to me.

My daughter Emily and I went to Starbucks together to get some work done – I had writing to finish, and she had studying to complete. What a mistake! I always forget that I never get anything done when we go together. There’s too much watching people, sharing funny tweets, taking selfies (she is the one taking selfies, not me! Although she often gets me in the background, unbeknownst to me), noticing cute dogs outside, and doing whatever else keeps us from our tasks at hand.

Then she had to show me her favorite all-time video. She  was giddy as she queued it up and untangled the ear buds. She then handed me one as she placed the other in her ear. Here it is:

Continue reading “Doing Dreams the Right Way”

An Idea You Can Steal from Old People

The Met, older couple, holding hands, never too old
No, this isn’t Nick. But I took this at The Met because I loved seeing this couple soaking up life.

And I don’t mean me! This is something I am stealing from an old person, or at least someone older than me.

Here it is: You can start over at any age.

Today I met an 81-year-old man named Nick. He is a writer. However, he does not call himself a writer.  But a few years ago he started over and started writing. So, he is a writer.

We crossed paths because he was looking for an editor, a role I have played more than a few times in my life. We spoke briefly on the phone and settled on meeting at Starbucks (I know, not very original! But to those who have read my earlier post on Starbucks, you will be proud of me because I did NOT order a Medium Mocha Frappachinno with whipped cream! Yay me!).

I knew nothing about him other than he would be wearing a white hat. 

Continue reading “An Idea You Can Steal from Old People”